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Want to try out for our team?  FILL IN THE FORM, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Note: If you have a kik account, please include you username in your message.


Stick to the strategy

Members must stick to the strategy unless told to do otherwise by the highest level of command amoungst the group. Remember, the strategies have been optimized for us  to win only if everyone follow them. If your not following the strategy, then you are making yourself the weaklink amoungst the team; it only takes one weak link for a chain to break.



As a team, communication is vital to our success. Callouts can save multiple team mates and completely change the outcome of a game. Callouts are mandatory and should include details about number of enemies and which direction they are headed, what weapons they are using, when an enemy is injured, when a enemy with a power weapon is killed, and spawn switch.



Spotting is key for letting the support team know who to group target, who is injured, who has a power weapon, letting the slayers know who they can flank behind, and for keeping tabs on enemy movements. Spots should always be followed by a callout. Spotting is mandatory for all team members.


Respect The Clan & Its Members

The most important part of success for a team is cooperation and respect. Everyone has the rank that they have within the clan for a good reason; listen to those that are above you in rank. Trash talking, degrading, disrespecting, teabagging, beating down, being cocky, and telling clan members that you are better than them is not tollerated. Our policy for dealing with insubordination to this rule is one warning upon first offense, and automatic termation if second offense is committed.


Rules Of Engagement

This clan was founded on respect for the game and its players. Team killing, teabagging, trash talking when not necessary, and malicious moddding  will result in a warning upon first offense and immediate termination if second offense is committed.

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